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dc.contributor.authorSivaganesan, D-
dc.contributor.authorVenkatesan, R-
dc.description.abstractMobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are a collection ofautonomous mobile hosts without the help of the center base stations.Broadcasting is a fundamental service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. TheBroadcast nature of the wireless transmission is that all the neighbors of ahost will receive the packets when the host transmits them. The directapproach to perform broadcast is by flooding. A host, on receiving abroadcast message for the first time, has the obligation to rebroadcast themessage. Costing n number of transmissions in a network of hosts. Floodingtype of broadcasting leading to redundant rebroadcast, when a mobile hostrebroadcasts a broadcast message to its neighbors. When the size of thenetwork increases and it becomes dense, even a simple broadcast operationmay trigger a huge transmission collision and contention that may lead to thecollapse of the whole network. This is referred to as the Broadcast StromProblem.Numerous investigations are going on to solve this problem thatmay lead to the issues namely Redundancy, Contention and Collision, End toEnd Delay, Energy consumption, Power consumption, and Throughput(delivery of packets). To overcome this drawback, some sort of infrastructureis to be developed for a network enhancing the performance of the wholenetwork, especially when it becomes dense. The major contribution of this research is the formulation of thedynamic clusters for routing. In the proposed Dynamic Cluster RoutingProtocol (DCRP), the cluster is formed dynamically by considering thetransmission range. The Selection of the cluster head is based on the nodeconnectivity, mobility and transmission range.The building of One Hop Dynamic Cluster Network converts adense network into a simple one to reduce the communication overhead of thewhole network. The cluster structure is a simple infrastructure that has onlycluster head, gateway and members .The network structure is partitioned intoa group of clusters, each cluster with one cluster head that dominates all othermembers in the cluster. Gateways are those non cluster head nodes that haveat least one neighbor that belongs to other clusters. In this research, thenetwork is partitioned into a group of one hop clusters. Consisting of onecluster head and one gateway (forwarding node) and members (simple nodes).In this research, the cluster head way node may (act as gate way) forwardpackets from one cluster network to another, when the transmission range ischanged.In DCRP, each cluster head selects one gate way in its clusternetwork for forwarding the packets (one time) to the next one hop cluster,reducing the retransmission and in turn reducing the redundancy. TheMANETs is divided into small number of cluster networks that reducecontention and collision. Each cluster head selects only one gateway toforward the packet to the destination and thus reduces the delay time of thedelivery of packets to its destination. The gateway in each cluster head forwards the packets to the next clusters only once, reducing the energyconsumption and so the cost becomes low. Due to the reduced delay andcollision, the throughput can improve a lot. The experimental results showthat DCRP for broadcasting in Clustered MANETs gives better a performancehelping address the Broadcast storm Problem issues.en_US
dc.publisherAnna Universityen_US
dc.subjectDynamic Cluster Routing Protocolen_US
dc.subjectInformation and communication engineeringen_US
dc.subjectMobile Ad Hoc Networken_US
dc.subjectOne Hop Dynamic Cluster Networken_US
dc.titleCertain investigations on the broadcasting in clustered mobile Ad Hoc networksen_US
Appears in Collections:Computer Science & Engineering

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