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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007-10-17Surface Modification of Titanium-Titanium Boride CompositeChandrasekar, P; Balusamy, V
2012-07-23Studies on Development of Microalloyed Cast SteelsChokkalingam, B; Mohamed Nazirudeen, S S
2013-08-02Investigation on the Wear Behaviour, Mechanical Proerties and Material Characteristics of Al Alloy-Sicp -Gr Hybrid CompositeDhanabalakrishnan, K P; Subramanian, R
2012-08-21Investigations on Mechanical, Tribological and Electric Discharge Machining Characteristics of Hybrid Aluminum Matrix CompositesVenkat Prasat, S; Subramanian, R
2009-06-29Study on Temperature Distribution and Residual Stresses In Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloy AA2014Rajamanickam, N; Balusamy, V
2013-07-09Study on the Effect of Process Parameters in Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum AlloysPadmanaban, R; Balusamy, V
2009-07-31Studies on Weldability of Thermomechanically Control Processed Vanadium-Titanium Containing Hsla SteelVenkatesan, K; Balusamy, V
2012-03-02An Investigation on Controlling the Hot Cracking in Arc Welding Using Vibratory TreatmentBalasubramanian, K; Balusamy, V
2013-08-19Production and Characterization of High Performance Super Austenitic Stainless SteelsAnburaj, J; Mohamed Nazirudeen, S S
2019-06-21Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Machining and Wear Parameters of Al Sic Co Continuous CompositesPrasanth, A S; Ramesh, R R; Gopalakrishnan, P
2021-05-07Investigations on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Microstructure Modified and Hybrid Coated Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys in Simulated Body FluidDeepa, B; Ravi, K R; Gopalakrishnan, P
2014-11-24Studies on Production and Characterization of Cast Niobium Alloyed and Nitrogen Alloyed Autenitic Stainless SteelsKavimani, P M; Mohamed Nazirudeen, S S
2020-10-12Reclamation and Reusability Studies on CO2-Sodium Silicate Bonded Sands for Ferrous FoundriesMohamed Nazirudeen, S; Ramakrishnan, S
2021-05-07Some Studies on Laser Boring of Nickel and Chromium Electroplated AISI 1020 SteelPrince, M; Gopalakrishnan, P
2006-09-04Studies On Characterization of Nitrogen Alloyed Duplex Stainless Steel in the Cast and Forged ConditionChandramohan, P; Mohamed Nazirudeen, S S
2012-03-07Investigations on Wear Machinability and Tool Condition Monitoring of Hybrid Alumnium CompositesRadhika, N; Subramanian, R
2013-07-19Investigation on the Preparation Characterization and Property Evaluation of Rheo Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy and Al-Si-Mg/Sicp Composite in The As -Cast and Heat-Treated ConditionPadmanaban, S; Subramanian, R
2021-03-25Experimental Investigations on Fabrication and Characterization of Surface Modified Cuni/Zrc Metal Matrix Composite Using Friction Stir ProcessVelmurugan, T; SUBRAMANIAN, R
2022-02-18Investigations on Synthesis, Microstructural, Crystallographic, Spectroscopic and Thermal Characteristics of Random Pyrochlore and Perovskite CeramicsVenkatesh, G; Subramanian, R
2016-01-18An Investigation on Fatigue Property and Toughness of Borided Borided and Induction Surface Modified Aisi 4340 SteelSivakumar, T; Gopalakrishnan, P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61